Developer Guide

Developer Guide

To develop new test scenarios, developer must have experience with the Postman application, basic proficiency in Javascript language and understand concepts of the OSDM specification itself as the structures and functions used to build the request and validate the result are mostly identical with objects from OSDM.

Postman Infrastructure

The test scenarios utilize global variables to configure the run and retain request parameter both between request and result, and between each request call in the workflow sequence.

Each request should validate if all required variables are set before it builds and executes the request.

Globally Used Variables

  • api_base: OSDM API location
  • library_base: Location where the function library is downloadable from
  • access_token: OAuth access token

Running the Scenarios

An environment is required both for running in Postman and in the testing tool runner application.

Building a Trip

OSDM supports both journey planning (using Open Journey Planner compliant interface) and direct specification of a trip if a journey planner outside the API found the trip and want the API to skip the journey planning/only verify existence of the trip in the inventory.

In both cases, data file must be provided in the format below and osdmSpecification() function is defined to take selected data file row. It generates OSDM structure for either Trip Search Criteria or Trip Specification.

Example: How to build one-leg trip specification

    new TripLegDefinition(